How To Manage Your Facebook Page


Using  messenger for your facebook page by this you can read messages , reply, archive messages etc. When you have messages with people, you can check the past interactions and negative comments the person has had with your Page, as well as information that the person shares publicly on their profile.

How to gain your first 100 fans on your facebook page

Firstly you must be share  your facebook page with all your facebook friends.not so fast,just take a moment to think strategically about the plan you have.

Publish three to five posts before you invite anyone.

Then try out one of these stragies for getting your first 100 fans.

Invite your all friends of facebook

Facebbok has built an amazing in feature to tell your facebook friends about your facebook page.Click on  the build audience link which is present on  the top right corner of your facebook page,and choose the option of invite friends from the dropshadow.
Once  invited,all your  friends will receive a direct message with an invitation to your don’t have a chance to edit the message they receive.
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